1. First Choose the Domain Name for your website.
(Domain : Website name, Eg : www.yoursitename.com)
Check the availability of your domain.
Note : Choose the correct Extension like .com, .co, .in, .info, .xyz, .photography, etc.
TOP TEN Domain Offering Sites in Foreign
TOP TEN Domain Site in INDIA
2. Get the Hosting for your Website
Some of the Domain offering websites are also offering a hosting also.
What is Hosting : A space to Save our Designed Website in Online Server
3. Prepare the Website Content what ever need for your Business
Contents like : Home page, Products, Services, Supports, Career, About, Contact, etc.
Note : If you need a online payments included for your site, some of the online DIY Design Templates it have it, the domain company is offering the Payment Gateways also like Godaddy.
TOP TEN Payment Gateway
Note : Before create a content think about website view in different possibilities like DESKTOP, MOBILE, TABLET, Because Each one have Different Screen Size.
4. Make a DIY WEB Design, or Contact a Website Developer.
Do it yourself - DIY
Design your Website in programming method or Design method,
Some of the software are available to design Directly
Software : Adobe MUSE, Adobe Dreamweaver, Front page.
5. Upload your Designed Website to HOST Server,
for Publish your Website to Online.
Note : If You want to save more Data, you need to have a Database Programming also like MySQL.
If your updating a site frequently, like News Site Please Include RSS.
What is RSS?
(Domain : Website name, Eg : www.yoursitename.com)
Check the availability of your domain.
Note : Choose the correct Extension like .com, .co, .in, .info, .xyz, .photography, etc.
TOP TEN Domain Offering Sites in Foreign
TOP TEN Domain Site in INDIA
2. Get the Hosting for your Website
Some of the Domain offering websites are also offering a hosting also.
What is Hosting : A space to Save our Designed Website in Online Server
3. Prepare the Website Content what ever need for your Business
Contents like : Home page, Products, Services, Supports, Career, About, Contact, etc.
Note : If you need a online payments included for your site, some of the online DIY Design Templates it have it, the domain company is offering the Payment Gateways also like Godaddy.
TOP TEN Payment Gateway
Note : Before create a content think about website view in different possibilities like DESKTOP, MOBILE, TABLET, Because Each one have Different Screen Size.
4. Make a DIY WEB Design, or Contact a Website Developer.
Do it yourself - DIY
Design your Website in programming method or Design method,
Some of the software are available to design Directly
Software : Adobe MUSE, Adobe Dreamweaver, Front page.
5. Upload your Designed Website to HOST Server,
for Publish your Website to Online.
Note : If You want to save more Data, you need to have a Database Programming also like MySQL.
If your updating a site frequently, like News Site Please Include RSS.
What is RSS?
RSS (Rich Site Summary) is a format for delivering regularly changing web content. Many news-related sites, weblogs and other online publishers syndicate their content as an RSS Feed to whoever wants it.
For more details about RSS - http://www.whatisrss.com/
How can I Get the E-mail for my Site?
Today we all know very well about G-mail.
so Don't Worry - go to GOOGLE for WORKS use your domain name and pay a small amount to get E-mail Domain inside google as your address eg: info@yoursitename.com
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